Inside Online Advertising
By Diggers Realm

Chitika Audited Revenue Once Again Disappointing To Publishers

It seems every month Chitika disappoints publishers with their audited revenue. Once again they haven't failed to disappoint with their latest payments for January 2006. Here are a few publishers results.

Eric Giguere

... the audited eMiniMalls revenue for January 2006 has been posted, with payments soon to follow. My audited revenue is about 25% less than the unaudited revenue.

Marketing Tools Review

I’m still not seeing good numbers here. My earnings dropped 20% after audit and the CTR and CPM are horrible to begin with. I’m seriously considering dropping Chitika altogether.

I'm really surprised people are still using Chitika.

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Chitika eMiniMalls Archive

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Posted on Tue Feb 28, 2006 at 06:30 AM | Permalink | Email This | Blogroll IOA! |


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