Chitika eMiniMalls UK Launched
Chitika has announced that it has launched the UK version of eMiniMalls and that future versions are in the works. They are using GEO targeting to display the products. You will see products depending on where they detect you are coming from.
Future versions are slated for next week release.
Next stop Paris. We are ready with offers and promotions feeds from several other European countries. Over the next week we will be expanding the service to the following countries: France, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Norway, Sweden, and Netherlands.
Tipped by: Jensense who has more.
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Posted on Tue Nov 29, 2005 at 04:50 AM | Permalink | Email This | Blogroll IOA! |
Posted on Tue Nov 29, 2005 at 04:50 AM | Permalink | Email This | Blogroll IOA! |
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