Inside Online Advertising
By Diggers Realm

Welcome To Inside Online Advertising

Welcome to Inside Online Advertising. I have started this website to track my advertising experiments and hopefully provide some helpful information to others. My name is Digger and my main website is at Diggers Realm.

Here's a quick little bio on me. I have been online since about 1995 and been involved in many startup companies spending a good portion of the dot com boom in the heart of Silicon Valley, Santa Clara, California . While having been involved in founding companies, my main specialty is on the techie side, where I have built everything from windows apps and games to full blown online advertising and content management systems.

Enough about me though. This site will be based around both sides of advertising, since I am involved in advertising on both the publishing (displaying ads) and the purchasing side. So that's it for the welcome post, let's get down to business!

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Posted on Sat Oct 29, 2005 at 09:51 AM | Permalink | Email This | Blogroll IOA! |


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