Inside Online Advertising
By Diggers Realm

Giving Up On Yahoo! Publishers Network For Now

I have decided to give up on Yahoo! Publishers Network for now over at my main website Diggers Realm. The ads just weren't every turning contextual in any way. Maybe it is the site's content and the fact that they don't have a large enough pool of advertisers or their algorithms just aren't good enough yet.

Like I reported earlier I had a page that discussed our trip to Disney earlier this year and I find it highly unlikely that they have no relevant ads at all relating to Disney, toys or anything else.

I'll continue to run Yahoo! ads on my other websites, which oddly enough, are showing relevant ads already.

I just don't understand why it won't show them on my main site. It's just a continuous run of mortgage lenders like Lending Tree and the like.

Yahoo! does pay more it seems, but that may just be because it's in beta and they're trying to entice publishers to use their ad system. Overall though I didn't find it appealing to my readership. I had one 160x600 wide tower banner on the left navbar that was consistently showing only 2 vertically centered mortgage ads in it leaving gaping white space above and below the ads.

It just was aesthetically ugly when combined with the rest of the design.

So for now I'll take them down. Maybe sometime in the future I'll try them again when I can be assured that they'll actually show something decent and appealing.

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Google AdSense Archive
Yahoo! Publishers Network Archive

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Posted on Tue Nov 01, 2005 at 05:43 AM | Permalink | Email This | Blogroll IOA! |


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